
sesdev: create and manage vagrant/libvirt-based Ceph clusters

sesdev - https://github.com/rjfd/sesdev - is a tool for automating the process of creating, managing, accessing (etc.) Ceph clusters running in libvirt VMs.

This page will be used to collect my notes on using sesdev.

Create a single-node cluster

$ sesdev create ses6 --single-node mini

Access the dashboard from a different machine

sesdev provides a "tunnel" feature that knows about the dashboard. By default, it will forward dashboard traffic to/from a port on localhost. This does not help if one is running sesdev on one machine and trying to access the dashboard from a different machine. For this usecase, do:

$ sesdev tunnel --local-address mini dashboard

Just a salt cluster and nothing else

$ sesdev create ses6 --single-node --stop-before-deepsea-stage 0 mini

Using roles

By default, sesdev will deploy a four-node cluster with "everything", or a single-node cluster "with everything" if you provide the option --single-node. But you can also specify a custom configuration. The available roles are: admin, storage, mon, mgr, prometheus, grafana, mds, igw, rgw, ganesha, openattic, suma, and client. Some roles, like "mon", can be used in any version of Ceph, while others, like "openattic", are only useful with certain versions of Ceph. The "client" role can be used to deploy a machine with no Ceph daemons running on it.

Single-node CephFS cluster with separate client machine

$ sesdev create nautilus --roles "[admin, storage, mon, mgr, mds], [client]" cephfs_cluster

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