
Bench plane tote / Rukojeť amerického hoblíku

August 12-14, 2011

Attended a woodworking workshop in Jeseník, a small town in a very scenic part of the Czech Republic. 

My goal for the workshop was to relax and enjoy myself, so for my project I chose something that I've been meaning to do for years: carve a replacement tote for the old No. 5 bench plane I bought years ago (the original rosewood tote cracked in two).

The teacher at the workshop gave me a nice piece of Plum to work the new tote from. I finished it with "Danish Oil", which really brought out the beauty of the wood.

The photo shows my old Stanley #5 in the background (with cracked rosewood tote) and the new tote I carved in the foreground. The plum tote is nice, but I'm going to have to turn a plum front handle as well.

The plane is actually quite old - it appears to be a Type 4/5 hybrid. Here's a picture of a different #5 Type 4 (which would be slightly older than mine) in good condition.

I have lots of photos from the workshop, but have a "no faces" blog policy, so I'll only show this one, from a sharpening demonstration:

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